If you lose your receipt, you may check your remaining balance by calling the Customer Service toll-free number at 1-84, by visiting the Cardholder website available at, or by checking your balance at an authorized WIC retailer. The first and last date to use your benefits can be found on your WIC shopping list or your last cash register receipt. Any benefits not used by midnight on the last day of the benefit period will expire and will not roll over to the next month. You may use your eWIC card as often as you like throughout the benefit period. You must have your Georgia eWIC card with you at the store to obtain your WIC benefits. Instead of WIC vouchers, participants will use eWIC cards to obtain WIC-approved foods from authorized eWIC retailers. eWIC is an electronic system for issuing WIC benefits which is loaded onto an eWIC card. On September 12, North Central Health District’s WIC program will implement the Georgia eWIC (electronic WIC) system for all WIC participants.