Detailed contact information about the company giving out the certificate should be mentioned.A gift certificate must specify the amount or discount being provided to the recipient.The description of the gift being awarded must be included.The logo of the company or its products or the company’s photos must be included in a gift certificate.You should include the following information in the gift certificate before giving it to the recipient The word coupon is an electronic term of the paper gift certificate in digital times. In the era of eCommerce, a lot of customers use online services provided by direct brands or B2B startups. While the application of gift certificates in marketing strategies of salespersons is common nowadays. Some organizations also use gift certificate templates to issue a paper certificate to raise funds. Usually, companies use such templates to provide incentives or corporate gifts to their employees or potential customers. There are several uses of gift certificate templates. It is given to the employees, friends, and relatives in the form of salary, incentives, or gifts. 10 How can you differentiate between a gift card and a gift certificate?Ī gift certificate is a certificate that allows its receiver to receive goods or services of a specified value.7.5 Step 5 Do the final changes and print.7.4.3 Inserting shapes and adjusting them.7.4.2 Modifying font and text color and text box.7.4 Step 4 Customize and Edit text fields.7.3.2 By using a text box, manipulating text.7.3.1 Formatting of the layout of the picture.7.3 Step 3 Edit your gift certificate as per your requirements.7 How to draft a gift certificate in MS Word?.6 When should you use gift certificates?.5 How to Make a Gift Certificate Template?.3 What to include in gift certificates?.